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Streets, Alleys and Infrastructures

Capitol Improvements are a major concern and topic of many discussions planned for this spring as the City Council and Staff will be addressing many street, alley, sidewalk, and infrastructure needs. A comprehensive plan is in place but due to revenue shortfalls has had to be amended as funds become available. 

A study of street conditions was recently conducted, along with public input will play a vital part as the Council re-prioritizes future Capitol Improvements. 

During 2004 the residents overwhelmingly approved the passage of a sales tax increase that will provide about $325,000 per year for infrastructure improvements starting in the 2005 construction season. 

We also received a $185,000 grant to extend the water lines to Meersman Addition.

The I-5 Corridor - a reality at last! For years and at every East Moline election this is always an issue. The obstacle to developing this corridor has been the lack of water and sewer services. However, during my years as Alderman we ran a water line to the IBP company (Tyson Foods) and today we are running the sewer line along the I-5 Corridor (past the QC Downs and near the I-80 Interchange). This process was long overdue, however, we have surmounted the obstacles and are moving forward, planning to market the area to prospective developers. 

We've never been closer to scoring the 'big one' as we will be now with services out to that area. Emerald Point will surely benefit and progress with this latest and long over due progress.

Moreno supporters at the pancake breakfast.


Joe on the Issues:

:: economic development

:: community involvement

:: taxes, services and user rates

:: streets, alleys and infrastructure

:: service

Paid for by the Committee to Re-elect Joe Moreno 2005